
Monday, April 18, 2005

hold me hurt me make me bleed
shadows remain
fire, burning in my soul
eat the hunger, the pain, eat the screams
feed the flame
won't warm me but it lights the dark
that first night on the wards
tired of the fighting, of striving
wise words in the dark -kind words are
spent not in vain but to soothe grief
sitting in a corner so no one touches
neck where his fingers played
back where his fingers clenched
prove mastery on his child
worthless girl cannot be changed
can be trained
earn her keep
middle of the night i woke up to the static
tv channel gone off the air
he's sitting in a chair awake not seeing
when i touch his hand he startles
tears in his eyes
pulls me close for comfort just a moment
then i lead him back to bed
where he can visit his ghosts till dawn
now i understand, finally
i have ghosts of my own
shadowing my eyes
i remember the bruises and the blood
i remember the ice in my heart
freezing me motionless
don't breathe
accept the things you cannot change
move along
i've been wrecked and there's nothing to see now
let me be with the memory
let the past take me and wash the guilt from my hands
guilt. causes numbness
there is no relief in the flesh
but while i taste the joy in others
i can remember that somewhere the sun still shines
i'll return to my ghosts and my dreaming

Sara. Raven. I summon thee from Shadows
Bring me your craft
Sweep control aside
Lend me strength and will to break
By your names I call you
By the debt owed, I summon you
By vows given on the starless hill
Return on phoenix wings
Meet me on the gypsy's road
Where the Crone spoke to me a warning
I dare more now
Demon owes me debt for feeding
Spill my power to feed the Sight
for I want to See again
I want to Know again
Want my skin to crackle with the power

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