
Monday, May 18, 2009

I love my little monkeys. They are adorable and delightful, even though they're a handful and more than a full time job for me. Even though I'd gladly beat my head against a brick wall from time to time because it would hurt less than the details of what we're currently going through on a daily basis.

Company coming over tonight and I'm looking forward to it. Getting the house whipped into shape for company also means creating a pleasant environment that I can try to maintain the rest of the week. Sweet. Calming. A place that I can happily unwind in when the children are at last tucked into bed at the end of the day and sound asleep without further incident.

These are wonderful days. The stress will pass. The joy will endure. I'm not going to remember the exhaustion that is making me reel on my feet. I will only remember the joy of sweet-smelling children sleeping on my lap, heads nodding over sippy cups, and the indescribable feeling I have when I see them curled up in bed with one finger pressed up against their lips.

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