
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tiff is coming to another growth or developmental spurt. She has been clinging like crazy to both of us all day and most of yesterday. This is not because she's not sleeping (she has, better than ever I'm happy to say). She's eating well too. I think. It's hard to tell because we graze more than eat set meals around here. Dinner in the evening is a set meal; everything else is eaten whereever and whenever someone gets hungry. I've been eating when she eats out of necessity. Hey, it generally looks good, it tastes good, and we eat it with our fingers on the couch. Is there anything better than that? Plus Tiff gets a kick out of feeding her mommy with chubby little fingers that get Schlurped afterwards. She likes Schlurping. It is possible that she now thinks of mommy as her own puppydog.

Ever since the sleep study she's been proudly saying "ship. ship. ship." and pointing to her daddy. I, having been on another Terry Pratchett binge this week, have been confusing her young mind by baa-ing everytime she says ship. "Does the ship make a sound? It goes Baaaaaa!" Blame the Nac Mac Feegles for that one. I claim innocence. It's not my fault that I have fallen in love with their simple ways... it's more that they are so uncomplicated. Like the Lost Boys, only with more violence and booze. We already know that Waily Waily Waily has become my Mom-Approved expression of why we don't whine around the house. Tiff whines? Waily. The Boy whines? Waily waily. I feel sorry for myself on the soapbox? Waily waily waily where's my motrin?

All in all it's going about normal around here.

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