
Friday, September 01, 2006

...moving right along I find that rampant stupidity does not actually go away with motherhood. To which I submit myself humbly to the Dead Fish Award, which is better known as the People Who Should Be Slapped Upside the Head With Dead Fish Award. What did I do? I forgot that I should just take all the pills in today's compartment at once. I should keep out one of the sedatives and take that later before bedtime. So this is why my head spins a bit and my mouth feels like a lizard crawled inside it to die.

No worries. I've been this stupid before. Just not in a Long time. Long, Long, time. And tonight is beer and pizza night; every Friday that we can afford it we have pizza and I watch the Boy drink a 6 pack. This is okay. I can be very happy about it. I just wish that he'd get off a bit early this afternoon so that I can crawl back under the blankets and hide.

My Little Pirate? She's doing well. The disparity in pupil sizes from right to left is still reminding me of late night cartoon network programming. I keep expecting her to start twitching and plotting to take over the world. So far nothing- she's a crafty imp. The falling over herself seems to be going away a bit. I have mostly stopped worrying that she's totally blind. I just worry that she's going to pick up an anvil and drop it on my head.

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