
Sunday, September 03, 2006

fall cleaning

We're going through the stacks this week, and more books are up for sale through Amazon in the "used books" categories. If you're a sci-fi fan, I've got a first-print edition of "The transition of titus crow", which is near-mint. I'm sure you can find a bunch of other neat stuff over there. Consider the used book market when buying stuff: it's cheaper than new, it helps out other people -whether they're trying to raise a little extra cash by selling their stuff, or running a side business out of their spare room. And you know that the books are going to be the same whether used or new. It's not like the ending changes.

I could also make a point about reusing our consumable resources, but I'm a woman who happily embraces disposable diapers and all things plastic and easily replaceable for infant/toddler byproduct handling. Not an Earth Mother. Just a Mom.

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