
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Few things are better first thing in the morning than a lapful of Cute Toddler. She snuggled down, her Elmo phone clutched in two little chubby fists; we watched the Closer from last night. At least Mommy watched the Closer. Cute Toddler pressed the buttons.

We are all sitting around this morning, attempting to get our work done in a reasonable manner and within some boundaries of a reasonable time. This is still possible. Although Gram will need to stop popping up from her stuff and let Tiffany play on her own. Tiff does not care, as long as there remain animal crackers to eat, Cake once a week, and her Teletubbies remain On Demand. Toddlers have such simple requirements.

(short break to cuddle toddler on lap again)

Again, with the lapful of Cute Toddler. So cuddly. So adorable. No doubt this a major reason why I'm approaching parenthood again with a certain smug satisfaction. Two cute bundles of love on my lap. Twice the love, twice the cuddles. Twice the tantrums in the middle of the night- heck, I can deal with that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Toddler hugs are indeed a pretty magic cure-all. If we could bottle it, we'd be zillionaires. Especially if there were a way to filter out the tantrums and diaper changes. But even with those, it's pretty amazing. Enjoy.