
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Orders, orders anyone? Ham and cheese on a bagel?

The Boy brought up his orders again this morning. He might want to possibly crossrate. Maybe. To IT. Which will be A-school again (unfortunately, nothing like the A-team), in Great Lakes, or as it's better known in the winter: The Great Frozen North. Just kidding. Although I hear that it's brutal to go through boot camp up there at that time of year. IT School is 6 months. Not that long, right? Unless you're the one being left behind.

I thought about that later on this morning, after I was home again and curled up in the blankets while KittyCat slept in her crib, exhausted from being up every three hours all night. If he successfully cross-rates, he's going to be leaving home in Spring '06 for the deployment of about 6 months. Home for about a month or so, when he returns stateside. Then immediately gone again for 6 months. Then who knows, when he gets his next set of orders and we can either stay put here in Paradise or pack out and move wherever the needs of the service take us. I want to support his career, but...

It's an awfully big 'But'.

There are times, when he's away, that I go into a little mourning. I'm a widow, only I'm not, because he's not dead, he's just not there for a bit and I've got to handle the household in his absence. I've learned to do that. Now it's gotten infinately more complicated, because now KittyCat's on the scene. When he's gone I'll be able to take over running the show, and raising the KittyCat, and all will be well. When he comes back, how am I going transfer the reins back smoothly? How can I make him feel like he's never been cut out of the parenting process? It sucks, but this is our home. This is the life I agreed to when I married him and we had this child.

I pray for patience and for faith and for strength to accept whatever the next year holds with a steady hand and a clear heart.

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