
Saturday, July 22, 2006

around and around we go

A boring day here in the rain capital of Telford. I'm getting thoroughly tired of rain. The people back home may have a point- rain sucks. This is worth canceling school over. This is worth calling in sick for work over. But it makes the grass this pretty green color, and I don't know a single person on this block who has sprinklers on their property, and there are colored blooming things called "flowers" coming out of the dirt.

Tomorrow is more gatherings of people to come and see the Toddler. They make little cooing sounds and flirt with her, and she flirts right back at them. Does me a world of good to see it. The only prob with it right-now-tomorrow is that I'm still feeling hormonal and miserable. Gee, wasn't this supposed to clear up by now? I'm going to have a serious word with my Pill if it doesn't shape up by next week.

...better living through modern medication? That's what it seems like. Fortunately for everybody around me, I'm not in the insane hormonal state right now. Just the achy and whiny hormonal state. I'm not sure that it's better, but at least the jury would be more likely to convict.

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