
Monday, July 31, 2006

career mommy

As somebody who's spent an inordinate amount of time struggling with mental illness, I'd have to say that this has been an interesting week. Culminating with my group session this morning. At which some really deep things came out and for the first time in months I felt as though I really weren't backsliding. Or being judged by these people, even a little bit. And my inner therapist rose up from the mires of my subconscious, and lo- she was inspired.

Once again I got the "you should be a therapist" comments. And you know, when I do go back to graduate school I'm going to be getting a MLSW. That's a given, the only question being when do I go ahead and do this? Maybe I will do it when Tiffany's older, in school, when she's in college, when little green men land in an Iowan cornfield and give us the formula for cold fusion...

I hesitate. I'm almost to the point where, mentally and emotionally, I can finally put myself aside long enough and far enough to do this. Until I can honestly say that yes, I can set myself aside from my clients' internal hurricanes, I would be doing them as great a misservice as I'd do myself. That's going to be enough for now.

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