
Thursday, April 19, 2007

The HGTVnetwork is evil.

Okay, so maybe not "evil" in the classical sense. "Evil" in the sense that I'm sitting before it, transfixed, as completely engrossed in it as the Toddler is in Teletubbies or Barney. Not that I let her watch Barney. I'm supposed to be doing laundry today. Am I doing laundry? No. I'm playing with pretty paper, and not so pretty yet paper. And sewing up reversible gift bags to try and sell in the next couple of weeks.

Mother's Day is just around the corner, you know.

I'll post some pics of all this stuff when it's done. I would have been in lots more stuff today (non-laundry stuff) except that somebody waltzed into Joanns yesterday just before I got there and bought out their entire supply of clear sealant. She must have been watching the same shows as I was, that's all I can say.


Wildflower said...

I love HGTV - I watch it efvery night while I am in bed - it helps my brain focus on nice things, quiet things -c reative things... and ignore the hustle bustle of the day that was just spent.
Don't you agree?
I love to watch it while cooking dinner, all weekend long that is the channel I am tuned to.

Fireflower said...

well, yes, I do love it. My problem this week is that I'm using it as an excuse to get away from the housework and all the things I "should" be doing. It's relaxing and enjoying and it gets me to finishing all the projects I have around the house (instead of vacuuming or putting clean dishes away, which are considerably less interesting.) When Tiff's in bed for her not-nap I can watch it while drinking my tea.

There are so many ways I am blessed in. Including but certainly not limited to having a husband who doesn't notice the unvacuumed floor, the cluttered kitchen, or the stray socks that keep turning up under the dining room table. Is it true that every woman possesses in her some portion of her mother, grandmother, and all the female ancestors going all the way back? They don't even have to be criticizing voices. For me the fact that they're there spurs me on- they taught me better than this, they taught me to clean, to dust, all the ways to keep a neat house.

They also taught me to cherish my child. To love my husband. To enjoy the quiet beauty that shows itself in the unexpected ways... To not get so caught up in perfection that you miss all this stuff.

I am a very lucky person to know this. I just wish that I could use it as a shield to block out all the darker thoughts and feelings that are bundled up in there with them.

Wildflower said...

I don't believe anyone should block out any dark thoughts, etc. I believe with God's love and help, one can allow these thoughts to be healed, dealt with and used as a learning experience (character building so to speak).
Oh good ness, yes... to your comment about the women in your life.
Every woman in your life you have known, will certainly leave their thumbprint on your soul. And with that, comes teaching of many things .. those things allow us to become who we are, may we choose to use these tools, or to ignore them, or to be in denial of them. But I do know this... mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, etc.... all are my most innermost role models. For they have a part of me, as I have of them. That is the make-up of who we are. And we grow, by watching them grow before us... and hearing their "wisdom" shared when they get to be older and older... and each of those women (and their offspring also - cousins, etc) mean more to me than anything in this entire world. What a gift God has given us with this history of "family."