
Friday, April 20, 2007

I'm still finding it a daily struggle to get my daughter to acknowledge me. She is real good at ignoring my presence at all, except for now and then when she wants to be picked up and carried around. I thought that the tantrums would calm down further, that she would make eye contact with me.

All in all, she really doesn't have tantrums in the traditional sense. She is annoyed, yes, and she expresses her annoyance, but she hardly ever screams. She gets all into the wailing for a minute about how her heart is breaking and it's soooo sadddd, and then she crawls off like we don't exist. Which is fine as it goes, but the part where she totally tunes me out? Not so cool. Any attempt I make to try and get eye contact, or a response to her acknowledgment that I exist, or anything like that? More crying and wailing and trying to get away from me. There are days that this can bring me to tears. Or I'm just pms-ing again.

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