
Thursday, August 23, 2007

It's not a usual occurance to get the Toddler up from her nap, feed her dinner, and then have her screaming and crying and running back into the nursery to try and climb back into her bed. This is seriously not usual for her. I'd give in and send her to bed except: she won't sleep, if she does sleep she will be awake and demanding Tubbies at midnight, and I'm just not willing to give her that.

And so we go, around and around on the great hamster wheel of motherhood. When did this get so complicated? When did my life start happening again to such a point that I resent being called away from a meal to tend/catch/prevent my toddler from destroying inanimate objects? My head hurts. It's been one of those days.

Did I mention the cardiologist? He says I'm not cleared to have the baby. Which makes me scratch my head and wonder what he was going to say otherwise- stock up on my sandwich making abilities and be prepared to shove them into my uterus for the next 40 years?

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