
Friday, September 28, 2007

Times were that files weren't that large. Graphics were minimal, video and sound clips were almost unheard of... and everybody walked places because no one had invented the car. Times change. Technology changes faster than most of us are familiar with. We increasingly turn to file sharing when getting together with friends and colleagues across the globe, and email can only support so many attachments.

I know I'm not the only one out there who has from time to time come head on against the attachment limitation when sending cute baby pictures to the dozen or so of her closest fans. Fear not! There is another way! Driveway is one easy way to create file uploads and storage when sending those bulky files to someone else. Easy to use, easy to maintain. Up to 2gigs can be handled.

If I had had this going when we recently lost our harddrive, I might have been able to save more of the pictures. I hated losing all of those. The Boy could have been sharing his gaming files with the boards over this method -hash out a few of the strategy problems with just one or two others before facing the entire forums. It could have gone better. As far as schoolwork and more data-oriented things, we could have easily taken advantage of the features that allow use of the standard Office applications through a browser.

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